
Startup and ScaleUp Tickets - WS Europe (Vienna)

For early-stage companies seeking capital for expansion, Wolves Summit Europe helps you get 1-on-1 meetings with active Investors; boost your profile and PR; and helps build your Europe-wide business network. 

We have 3 types of Startup/ScaleUp Tickets (All include submission to pitch OnStage at Great Pitch Competition.)

1) Free (Online; or InPerson if accepted to Great Pitch Contest). If your application to pitch in the Great Pitch Competition is accepted, you are welcome to join both days Complimentary. If is not accepted, you can join online for Free, or buy the InPerson ticket option.
2) InPerson (both days 6-7 November).

3) InPerson VIP (both days 6-7 November, PLUS additional branding, premium access to Investors, etc.) (Includes Express-Review of your Great Pitch Competition application, within 24 hours.)





  • 1x Free Online conference pass (full access to  Matchmaking App)
  • If your Pitch is accepted, you will have 1x  Complimentary ticket to pitch on-stage at the Great Pitch Competition, including InPerson access to both days 6-7 November.
  • Up to 50 meeting requests in Matchmaking App.
  • Listing in the Investors & Partners Event Program book.




  • All features from Online pass
  • 1x Admission InPerson to both days (6-7 November)
  • InPerson 1-on-1 Meetings with Investors (up to 200 Meeting Requests via our App) at tables in our Matchmaking Area.
  • Access to Lunches and Opening-Night Reception
  • Your Pitch Deck will be made available to all Investors (VCs, CVCs, Angel Investors, etc.)


In-person VIP



  • All features from InPerson pass
  • Access to VIP Investors Zone on both days.
  • Access to Opening-Night Reception (6 Nov), Plus VIP Investors Evening (7 Nov)
  • Startup Expo Area booth (or PopUp Stand)
  • Digital Booth on Brella Event App, including link to your Pitch Deck and Video message (looks like this)
  • 2nd InPerson Ticket (for your Company) at 50% off InPerson price)